Well, like Andrew said last week was our first week of school. Holy smokes, what a crazy week! I'm not even sure where to start. School is fun. It will be a lot of work, but with such a smart husband as Andrew I think I will make it through alright. It is funny, He and I had such grand plans for school before it started. Our mornings were going to consist of: Wake up early, bike into town, go to the gym, attend classes, bike home, do homework and get ahead for the week, make dinner, go on an evening walk or watch a movie, then get to bed early so that then next morning would run flawlessly. Once a week we planned to go to the Temple. Now doesn't that sound ideal? This is how our days really go: wake up to Andrew's phone alarm which is on the other side of the room, ignore it, wake up 3 min later to a different alarm he set, turn it off, 3 min later wake up to the only alarm that I wanted to wake up to which I set (All three of these alarms don't even ruffle Andrew, he sleeps right through the onslaught of annoying beeps and bells), we get out of bed, rush to finish the homework we were too tired to get to the night before, sprint out the door and pray to find a parking spot for class. We literally run to classes, go to work, come home beat, and struggle through a fourth of one homework assignment, then crash. I made it to the gym twice last week and Andrew only made it with me Saturday night and there was no way we could have made it to the Temple. This sounds much less ideal, but much more realistic. Andrew no longer works at Wingers and I want to cut my hours at the Rex even more so that I can put more time into my salon. He has a better job and the salon pays infinity better than the minimum wage. Both jobs have better hours so in theory we will have more time in more convenient times of the day... In theory... Either way it is better money. Oh Andrew and I got invited to a BBQ at the Bishop's house this last Sunday! It was us and a few other families. It was so much fun! The other families each had at least three children. Andrew and had the most fun playing Crack the Egg with them out on the tramp. They were just so funny! We went inside to socialize with the adults (and to get dessert), we were in there about five minutes when our little neighbor girl came in to ask us to come back out and help her crack Aaron (the bishop's son who is 7 years old). I am glad the kids like us because they will be seeing a lot more of us. We have just been called to be primary teachers of the 5 year old class. Both Andrew and I are excited! We want to have little parties for when they pass off articles of faith or if they all remember to bring their scripture or something. I have substituted for this before. I was supposed to be teaching the Christmas story but we ended up having a class on why climbing out the church windows during class was not the best idea and why daddy would be unhappy if we had to get him out of boring adult Sunday school to help make sure the window exit was not used. Hopefully this time will go a bit better than when I was a sub.
Andrew and I had quite the adventure yesterday! The coyotes are getting worse and worse. Our neighbor got so sick of their yipping the other night he took his gun and drove down to shut some of them up. I didn't think he would really find any but he was ready to blast anything that moved. What he did find was the actual den of about ten coyotes just off the hill on our second field. He told us about it at the BBQ. Sunday night was ridiculous! I could head the yipping clear down stairs! So yesterday Andrew, the neighbors, his gun, and I headed down to shoot us a coyot. None were home, but we found two large dens. We will watch and see if we need to call the Fish and Game department to evict them. Oh wow it was an entertaining night!
I kinda broke Andrew's car window a few nights back. Well... it wasn't really me... I blame the rain. Either way it was stuck a fourth of the way down. He and I are going to the temple today in IF (Idaho Falls) so he wanted to fix it. Right now he is out there fighting with his door panel in the Rexburg windstorm. Wow he is so attractive! :) I like him. Ha ha K Off we go!!
Picking on my coyote? If you must, please shoot, but no poison. Accually, I kindá enjoy them. They only sing for a short time. And besides, some of them are probably Roy's offspring.